2014 Tag

SEO and SEM Trends in 2014

In 2014, Search Engine Optimization ( SEO) and Search Engine Marketing ( SEM ) markets experience a positive trend in terms of investments and the number of companies using these instruments to bring traffic to their website. If you are wondering why lately your business number is a dive, among other issues referring to market and your business model, it is likely that your competitors investing in SEO and SEM to be one of the reason why your organization is loosing customers, reputation, brand awareness and thus the incomes are decreasing. Search Engines Whether we talk about SEO and SEM, we need to consider the search engines that are capable of providing relevant and high volume traffic to your organization's website. Is no longer any secret that Google holds a dominant position on the market. Except for Russia, China and South Korea where Yandex, Baidu and Naver that are leaders in the...

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Romania`s Economic Report 2013

Following the financial crisis of 2008, Romania has made significant progress in terms of reducing macroeconomic and microeconomic imbalances. However, Romania remains vulnerable to Euro zone uncertainty, volatility of capital flows in emerging markets and investors perception of regional and global conjuncture. From 2010 to date, Romania has reduced macroeconomic imbalances to relatively sustainable under two agreements with the IMF supported by World Bank and European Union. The GDP returns to previous levels of economic and financial crisis, domestic consumption and export benefits of increases. This slight increase in or exit of the depression phase, remains fragile to economic fluctuations of the European Union. The main problems identified by the IMF include low competitiveness, corruption, restricted policies of supporting the business, foreign investments, taxation and rigid bureaucracy. Gross Domestic Product(GDP) of Romania Domestic products (GDP ) of Romania in 2012 was 131 billion Euro and in the second quarter of 2013 recorded...

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